Aside from browsing by category and item name, you may have other factors to consider while online shopping. Filters on Carousell help you find the most suitable deals quickly and caters to your unique needs.
You can also choose settings based on other important considerations, such as item condition, preferred transaction method and more.
How to Browse by Location on Carousell
Who doesn’t appreciate convenience when shopping online?
If you’re looking to make a speedy deal that’s not too far away, the Location filter can help you do just that. After all, time is money. You could reduce time spent on unnecessary travel and do more meaningful things instead.
The Location filter can be seen at the top left corner of your screen. You can get to this page after choosing your preferred category or entering a search term. Tap on it to set your preferred area(s).
To change your current ‘Browsing from’ location, tap on the white bar to key in the name of a location or ZIP code. Or, tap on the map to pick a place. You can also toggle search parameters to browse listings within a certain distance.
Important note: To filter by location, you will need to enable your location settings for Carousell app.
How to enable location services for Carousell App
For iOS:
- Open Settings app on your iPhone
- Scroll down and select Carousell App
- Allow Carousell to Access Location
- Select ‘While Using the App’
For Android:
- Open Settings app on your Android Phone
- Scroll down and select Carousell App
- Enable Location Services
How to Browse by Category on Carousell
The Category filter works very much like browsing via category banners, as mentioned previously. It provides a shortcut for you to pick your preferred category or subcategory while browsing. You can find the Category Filter next to the Location filter.
Here you will find a list of all available categories. Tapping on a main category will reveal subcategories to further narrow your search. Once you select a subcategory, it will be highlighted in grey or green.
For iOS users, this is what you’ll see when you’re on the Category Filter page.
For Android users, this is what you’ll see.
How to use the Sort Filter on Carousell
With the Sort Filter, you can choose how listings are displayed. Be it price, location, or popularity, you can prioritize which listings to see first depending on the factor most important to you.
After selecting your preferred category or entering your search keywords, click Sort at the top right corner of the app. For iOS and Android users, this is what your screen should look like.
Tap ‘Sort’ to choose your search and display preferences. For iOS users, your page should look like this.
For Android users, you’ll be brought to this page.
You can sort by either one of the following options:
- Popularity: Displays most popular listings first. This is useful if you’re interested to see items are most in demand on Carousell.
- Recency: Displays listings posted most recently first. This is useful for viewing the newest items on the marketplace. You can also find new listings added since your last search.
- Price: Displays lowest or highest prices first
- Nearest: Displays listings that are closest to you first. This is useful when you want fast deals by buying from Carousellers near you.
You can also choose your Price Range by setting a minimum and/or maximum price. This displays listings that fall within your preferred budget.
Tip: While browsing, you may see items priced at PHP 0 when they are actually going for much higher. If you prefer to not see these listings, set a minimum price range to exclude any listings priced like this.
Do you prefer to deal by meetup only, delivery only, or both? You can choose your Deal Options as well.
Finally, choose your preferred Item Condition: only New items, Used items, or both if you’re fine with either.