The New Motoring Normal in the Philippines - Carousell Philippines

Car Driving Tips in the New Normal (Philippines)

If you are driving to work, or running errands, or even just buying more essential supplies, here are things you need to know. Stay safe out there!

Quiz: What kind of car fits your lifestyle?

Unsure yet which car you should get? Here’s a friendly tip: knowing what motivates you to buy a vehicle is the first step to...
5 Things You Need to Know When Buying Used Cars - Carousell Cars Blog

Buying a Secondhand Car Tips: 5 Things You Must Do

Ever considered buying a secondhand car? There are plenty of good reasons why choosing used over a brand new one is a good idea. If...

Best first car suggestions for every new buyer

Hi there! Thank you for taking our "What kind of car fits your lifestyle?" quiz and computing your estimated car expense our Budget Calculator....

6-Step Guide on Buying Your First Car (Philippines)

So, you’re getting your first car, so exciting! Buying a car comes with a lot of things to prepare for. Check this guide.

7 Things to Inspect in a Secondhand Car

Buying a secondhand car? You should make sure you know what to check before you finalize your deal. Here's a checklist of what to inspect in a preloved car.
How to Negotiate for Best Car Prices in the Philippines - Carousell

How to Negotiate the Best Car Deal in the Philippines

If you're planning on buying a car, here are negotiation tips for you to get the best price and car deals in the Philippines.
Costs of buying a car in the Philippines - Carousell Philippines

Costs of Buying a Car You Must Know About

There is more to owning a car than just paying for its sticker price. Let’s take a short drive through the typical car buying journey.
No Contact Apprehension Policy

What is the No Contact Apprehension Policy?

The traffic laws in the country are constantly changing because of the ongoing issue of heavy traffic, especially in the more metropolitan areas of...
Buying a second hand car: 4 Safety Tips

Buying a Second Hand Car: 4 Tips To Choose Safely (Introducing Autos Inspected)

It’s crucial to know tips on buying a second hand car safely, especially if it’s your first time to do so. While new cars...